“Slit,” he said, drawing a hand across his own throat. Tom Savini himself came up with what Greenback called “the bloody swirly,” which he couldn’t help but pantomime. Many of the game’s kills employ elements in the game environment. You’re seeing a recording of practical stuff.” “When I do the fake stuff, if it doesn’t give me the same feeling I got when I saw the real stuff, the fake stuff isn’t real enough,” Savini said in an interview with Adam Sessler. “We’re at the mo-cap studio and even Kane is looking at the animation sheet and what we’re going to do next and is like ‘what sick fuck came up with this!?’ And of course it’s Tom.”Ĭapturing the choreography of the kills in real life was essential in porting the Savini aesthetic into a digital space. Where Friday the 13th: The Game is really coming to life is in the motion capture studio, where Gun Media has enlisted Kane Hodder-who played Jason in four Friday the 13th movies-to bring Savini’s kills to life, typically followed by immediate dismemberment and death. New Friday the 13th Sequel Has a Release Date and It’s All.Friday the 13th: The Game will Feature Iconic Sleeping Bag Smash Kill.Water Speed: Moves much slower in water than other variations.+ Weapon Strength: Deals more damage against counselors with weapons.

– Traps: Starts with fewer traps than other variations.

Less Hit Points: Has less HP than other variations.+ Stun Resistance: Gets stunned less than other variations.+ Shift: Shift ability has a faster cooldown.– Grip Strength: Loses grasp on counselors more frequently than other variations.Can’t Run: Can not run, only walk fast.– Sense: Sense ability doesn’t last as long.+ Stalk: Stalk ability lasts longer than other variations.Destruction: Does more environmental damage than other variations.Water Speed: Moves much faster in the water than other variations.Throwing knives can be used to inflict damage on counselors from range, while bear traps can be hidden in high traffic areas to pin down counselors. Traps and Throwing Knives: In addition to grab and environmental kills, Jason has access to two physical tools to murder his prey with throwing knives and bear traps. Jason stoking the fire with a counselor’s face. Drag the counselor over to the object and interact with it to theatrically execute them. After grabbing a counselor the kill locations will appear on objects. After grabbing a counselor you will brutally murder them if they fail at getting away from your grasp.Ĭontext Kills: Context kills are environmental kills that Jason can perform. Before a match you will have the opportunity to equip Jason with up to 4 grab kills that you have unlocked.

Grab Kills: Jason can perform a variety of different grab kills. Upon automatic activation, Jason’s abilities are boosted significantly, and he is able to burst through doors and various walls throughout the camp. View of the map when ‘Morphing’ as Jason. The map will also display various points of interest such as vehicles that counselor’s may be running to or electrical boxes that can be destroyed. Selecting anywhere on the map will instantly teleport Jason to that location. After using ‘Morph’ Jason will be presented with a map. Think of it as Friday the 13th: The Game’s version of quick travel. Morph: Allows Jason to quickly navigate around the map. Playing as Jason in Friday the 13th: The Game gives you access to many abilities and tools. While you technically “win” as Jason if you kill one counselor, you should aim to kill as many as possible for experience points and because it’s fun.